Vapor Labs, Intl
Mixing Virtual with Reality for almost 30 years
Welcome to Vapor Labs International. This is our virtual work place, where we understand work to be an expression of our species-being, and approach it as a process that's only finished when we're happy with it. By the way, if you haven't read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by Robert M. Pirsig, I highly recommend it.

We are a small shop with a broad range of interests and abilities. Here you will find demonstrations in areas that intersect our work/homelife balance.

Here's a snapshot of what our employees keep in the virtual box:

  • Kali is a Debian-based distribution geared toward penetration testing and security hardening.
  • Zappa is a Debian server for Hunchentoot, a Lisp web server implementation named after a play written by Frank Zappa.
  • CentOS 7 (C7) servers: This set of three servers provides the training environment for staff to practice for their LPIC and RHCSA certifications.
  • Haiku, a fork from BeOS and written in c++.
  • MenuetOS, a compact OS written in assembly.
  • In 1999 Neal Stephenson wrote an essay called, "In the Beginning was the Command Line where he compares OSes to vehichles. While we have a station wagon (Windows) parked on the lot, we mainly drive tanks (Linux), but like to take a spin in the batmobile (BeOS) once in a while. We even have a go cart (Menuet, though not mentioned in the article) for the novelty of it.
    As the company grew - or at least aged - we identified resources in other markets. Here are some of our partners:

  • Great Harvest Bread Co. in Cedar Rapids for all of our catering needs.
  • Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, IA for our higher educational needs. The generalist survives.
  • Central College in Pella, IA for refreshing perspectives. And wooden shoes.
  • Pluralsight: On-line training for our staff.
  • This area is dedicated to navigating our way through the murk. Here are some of the bright spots.

    What's Hot

    What's Not (Yet)

    Like gorillas, opportunities fade in and out of the mist. Sometimes you chase them and get hopelessly lost. Sometimes they appear when you're standing still and least expect it. Here are some of the things I'm working on in case something comes barreling out of the mist while I'm sitting at my desk. Vapor Labs is the theme of my personal web site. It's international because we have relatives in other countries. Established in 1991 as an excersize in creating web pages, VLI was inspired by an article in Computer Gaming World about a game that, although the developers kept promising it was close to release and had a couple of nice demos, never quite made it to market. They referred to the game as "vaporware."

    Thus, Vapor Labs was born. We like to think of it as a promising place. Delivery on those promises is another thing altogether. Here you will find an eclectic collection of things I find interesting, useful, or entertaining, organized around the theme of an ineffectual manufacturing company.